Rebirth / Genfødsel
Installation at Tivoli in collaboration with Þula. Part of CHART 2022 and curated by Toné Bonnen.
Installation in Smøgen, Tivoli with 1 dichroic plexiglass mirror, custom printed vinyl rug, 2 semicircle stools, vinyl hands on the wall and and 2 dichroic plexiglass reliefs of impossible spaces.
The installation is a kind of stage reminiscent of a mirror room, playing with optical illusion and perception. When the viewer enters the the room he can see various unfinished components, like pieces of a puzzle. The mirror is kind of invisible at first as it stands out of the wall with the hands on either side of it. When the viewer looks closer he can see that the mirror is as reflective as it is translucent merging the components of the room, f.e. the hands holding each other. When two persons sit opposite each other it looks as if their two bodies merge into one, creating the very intimate and playful experience of seeing yourself merge into another person.
The exhibition was funded by The Icelandic Art Fund.